Zodiac Forecasts Daily Email

I have not received my email today.

Click here to find out when your email was last sent and if you are active on the Email service. The email service is dependent on the 5 Star Service Audio Forecasts subscription being active, so if your payment for that has failed then your emails will stop.

If the email has been sent but has not arrived, check your spam folder.  If it is there, try adding starreturn@cainer.com to your address book.  You should also use the email options to mark the email as 'not spam'.

If you have only just signed up for the service, your first email will be sent the next time a new forecast is uploaded, which will be some time between 8 and 10 pm GMT.

I have paid for additional signs on my 5 Star Service subscription but I only receive the email for my own sunsign.

At present, the daily email service is only available for the principle sun sign on the account.

Will cancelling my subscription to the 5 Star Service Audio Forecasts also cancel my subscription to the Free Email Service?

Yes, the free email service is fully dependent on a valid subscription to the 5 Star Service Audio Forecasts.

I cancelled my email service but I am still being charged.

The daily email service is free to 5 Star Service subscribers.  If you no longer want to receive regular subscription charges, you will need to cancel your subscription to the audio forecasts - do this from the link on the home page, under My Account/Manage services or from your audio forecasts page.  Cancelling the emails only stops the emails being sent out every day.

Is the Zodiac Forecasts Email available to non 5 Star Service audio subscribers?

At this time only 5 Star Service subscribers can choose to receive the daily forecast emails.  If you are not a subscriber, follow the links to subscribe from your account home page - if you have never had a subscription in the past, you will receive a free trial.

What formats are the emails available in?

Click here to select if you want to receive Plain Text (emails with nothing but unformatted text) or HTML formatted messages (emails with richer content, such as images). Unless you have a reason to select Plain Text, we suggest you choose HTML formatted messages.

My emails arrive all garbled.

Click here to change your email format to Plain Text, which should resolve the problem.

I have tried all your suggestions and still I am still having problems or want to know more.

 Please send an email to streaming@cainer.com.