Signing in to your 5 Star account


How do I sign in to my account? .


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To sign in to your 5 Star account you use your email address and the password you chose when registering.

IMPORTANT: Worldpay log-in details are NOT used to sign in to your 5 Star account, but you must keep them safe to make any changes to your payment details!

I am entering my email address and the password I chose but the form just stays empty on the page when I click on continue.

The password is case sensitive so you will need to enter the details exactly. 

It may help to confirm your password by following this link -

When confirming your password, it is a good idea to write it out in a text file and then copy and paste it into the password confirm form and then do the same again when you go to the sign-in form.

You may need to enable cookies for our site if you have tried the above and the page is still blank - check your browser settings.

I have carefully entered my email address and reset my password and I still cannot sign in

You must have cookies enabled in your browser.

For example in Internet Explorer do this from do this from Tools/Internet Options/Privacy.

For Firefox, Safari, Chrome and others check your browser HELP menu for instructions for your version.



I have clicked on Remember Me but I always have to -enter my username and password in the sign-in form.

If you click on ‘sign out’ when leaving your account then you will be signed out even if you previously selected the ‘remember me’ option.  If the computer is only used by you it is not necessary to select ‘sign out’ when you have finished.

Alternatively, as our site is encrypted for security,  you may need to add us to the list of trusted sites in your browser for the sign-in details to be remembered. 

To do this in Internet Explorer, on the toolbar click Tools /Internet Options/Security/ Trusted Sites/Sites.

Type the URL: https://5star.cainer.comClick Add, and then click OK.


If you still can't get into the site, please write to for further assistance.




How to remove our authentication cookie

Internet Explorer

1. Launch Internet Explorer.
2. In the top left hand corner of the screen there’s a list of menus. Click Tools.
3. A dropdown menu will appear. Click Internet Options (at the bottom).
4. In the Browsing history section of the Internet Options window that just appeared click Delete...


1. Open Options/Preferences. On Windows click the Tools menu and then click options...
On OS X click the Firefox menu and then click preferences.
2. Click the privacy tab
3. Click the link remove individual cookies, a new dialogue will open.
4. In the search box enter mudiShopAuth
5. Select the cookie and click the Remove Cookie button
6. Close any open dialogues


1. Click Safari in the menu bar and selected Preferences.
2. Click the Security tab and the click Show Cookies.
3. In the search box enter mudiShopAuth
4. Select the cookie and click the Remove button
5. Close any open dialogues


1. Open Chrome and click the Spanner (Wrench to our American friends) button toward the top right of the window.
2. If using windows then select options, if using OS X then select preferences.
3. Click the Under the Hood tab and then click Content settings...
4. In the features menu to the left select Cookies and then click Show cookies and other site data
5. In the search box enter
6. Expand the search results (by clicking the small triangle next to and select the cookie named mudiShopAuth
7. Click Remove
8 . Close any open dialogues